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                    ALL NATION CURRENCY


After  God created everything he then added money.Money stands in for every nation development,

Its written in the Holy Bible  money is the root of all evil, this means money is evil,but they way we get money and the way we handle money,is what we have to take note of.
Most High God said as every human being has blood the same every nation blood is its currency.
Every nations currency is been handled by the government and its been spread to the citizen.
The money is kept in the bank,for the development of the nation, as the blood flows in every human being.

After we sit we will discuss how to plan and save the currency in the bank to keep the country moving
Its true that if a nations currency grows it brings other nations currency into the country.





Christ narrated a parable of a man who had a servant and he give him a farm but because the servant wasn’t able to take good care of it due to that the master decided to give it to a different farmer who can manage it well.The parable means understanding,togetherness, Unity and love.That is what he has sowed in Ghana here.Its time the Lord God Almighty and Ghana share the seed to all nations,that seed is the TRUTH.Christ again gave a different parable , what happens in the days of Noah,the same his second coming will be.Christ again said he second coming will lightening appearing from the east to the west.He again gave another parable if any one hears he is in the desert or under hills it’s a lie he or she should not believe it.Christ spoke this parable against the Israelites but not any other nation.which means he will not decend again in Isreal in his second coming. He said to his disciples in my Fathers house are many mantion,am going to prepare a place for you.God choose Isreal to be his kingdom.due to the death of many prophets that made christ to reveal that parable to his disciples,in his second coming he will take along his disciples,prophets and God choosing ones.its means those promises Christ made wasn’t for the Isrealites,but for his disciples.Christ was talking about the Kingdom of God,but not all of us will be in heaven.Christ explain this to his disciples by saying our Father who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name thy Kingdom come,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.The Lord God Almighty made Abraham the father of all nation and made Moses the head of laws.The blessing of the Lord God Almighty is still upon this new generation,because of Abraham,Moses and good workers of God due to the good works that they did.The Kingdom of God and laws has been taking from Isreal to Ghana .​


ADVICE  AND TEACHING FROM THE ALMIGHTY GOD TO                                                       MOTHER GHANA

I Jehovah God who appointed Moses to lead the Israelite ,am the same God who is speaking to the people of Ghana:My prophets speaks through my Spirit.If any one ask why did I choose truedemocracy as my government I Jehovah God will answer him or her.I Jehovah God choose Israel as my beloved country,I Jehovah God decide to make Israel my kingdom for them to rule over every nation.That’s why he sent his beloved son Jesus Christ ,he appointed his representative who is Christ Jesus to the people of Israel.God appoints his respresentative with multitudes of Angels with him, though,without the leaders of the nation or human government unless he unit with the leaders of the nation before he can accomplish what Jehovah God sent him.The angels can work in spirit but not in human form.As the saying goes if the sea gets scars it is human who makes it scary; a King can only be a true King by his people .Christ is Jehovah God representative to the people of Israel but the leaders of Israel didn’t accept him that’s why Christ said believe in me and believe in the one who sent me.He continue to teach them but because the leaders didn’t believed in him and the one who sent him,the refuse to listen to his teaching until he accomplished his work.Later they realized he was Jehovah God representative.Jehovah Almighty has a purpose for Truedemocracy.Its an advice and introduction to the truedemocracy to unit the nation,before the party which is truedemocracy and the nation leaders, to teach the citizens of the nation. Because the previous government couldn’t helped the nation to attained the benefit,because of this nation has become a house full of conflicts.Because of the conflicts no matter what you do its not been appreciated.This made Jehovah God long ago to pass a law through his prophet Kusi and truedemocracy to the nation before the teachings of Jehovah God will continue.Jehovah Almighty works through his prophets to perform a lot of miracles, but in this time he works through knowledge to perform his miracle.Now technology has advance the world,metal ( airplane) fly’s in the sky and at the same time can kill humanity,in all this the world has not attained peace and that is the only thing that God in his own wisdom preparing to bring it into the world.The media through which Jehovah God is bringing his message through his prophets is the only true link /letters which is to connect or unit the nation of his teachings,advice and introduction.After the advice and introduction the country will attain peace,before having a new nation in which he and his government and the nation leaders will continue.This is the last message from Jehovah Almighty God to mother Ghana.​



                           THE THREE GROUP OF WORKERS


Jehovah Almighty God speaks to the  council of chiefs  in Ghana through his representative ,and am so happy to reveal this secret to all chiefs and the people of Ghana.Jehovah God created human to be a royals of his Kingdom and he created the world to be his Kingdom.Alot are to be done to make this earth secure and complete.The world has been divided to three (3) different parts in which three different groups are the heads.One is the Holy Spirit.Prophets,followers of Christ and the followers of Mohammed are also in second group.The kings and Jehovah God are also in other third group.
Through the Holy Spirit knowledge was been implemented .Through his prophets Jehovah God established truedemocracy,that’s why its been called government as we use to know now.In his own Kingdom ,wisdom and power this universe who created,peace can been attain by his Kingdom.Due to this Jehovah God has revealed  to the chiefs ,leaders and the entire citizens how peace can be attain in this world.
That’s why he has allowed his messenger to write this copies to the chiefs and leaders in Ghana.
His intension is to add this letter to help the leaders to teach every member in their council to enable them to have good understanding and for the word to abide in every soul for peace sake both in Ghana and the world as a whole.
Media’s in Ghana are also involved ,I Jehovah God have hope in all the chiefs and I believe they will complete all the good works their fore- fathers left.


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